Acute Senses:

+5% per point when making a perception roll using one of the following senses (make sure you keep track of what senses you bought! 1 point goes to 1 sense). The percentage bonus is added to your perception stat when making the roll. (Example: if you have a base percentage stat of 30%, and you’ve spent 1 point on acute hearing, then when you roll a hearing check you’d need a 35 or lower, meaning you have a 35% chance of success). At higher levels of sensing, you gain super-human abilities. You gain any abilities listed below at or below your percentage, meaning if you've got 90% for hearing, you'd get all the abilities listed at percentage levels below that as well.


At levels above or equal to 50%, you can hear the faint sound of someone’s heartbeat before they’ve entered your line of sight.
At levels above or equal to 60%, you can hear their heartbeat without having to focus on it before they’ve entered your line of sight, and the general tone of their thoughts very faintly. Tone meaning “angry” or “happy”, etc.
At levels above or equal to 70%, you can hear the tone of their thoughts clearly and the exact words they are thinking very, very faintly.
At levels above or equal to 80%, you can hear their inner monologue clearly, though it requires focus, meaning you can’t perceive much else at the moment.
At levels above or equal to 90%, you can hear their inner monologue clearly without having to focus.


At levels above or equal to 50%, you can see slightly behind you.
At levels above or equal to 60%, you can see further behind you and when you look at someone you get a very faint sense of their mood.
At levels above or equal to 70%, when you look at someone you get a good sense of their mood and you can see through thin objects such as a t-shirt, leaves, paper, etc.
At levels above or equal to 80%, you can see through thicker objects such as a book, doors, cabinet doors, chairs, etc.
At levels above or equal to 90%, you can see fully behind you and through objects as thick as 3ft.


At levels above or equal to 50%, you can smell whether someone other than your party has been in the location you’re in in the past week.
At levels above or equal to 60%, you can smell whether someone other than your party has been in the location you’re in in the past day, as well as a tiny bit of what they were feeling.
At levels above or equal to 70%, you can sense what mood someone around you or within the location in the past week is experiencing perfectly, and you are able to tell where they’ve been in the past day.
At levels above or equal to 80%, you can tell where someone around you, or within the location in the past week, has been over the last few days.
At levels above or equal to 90%, you can smell basic facts about a person such as their occupation, age, interests, vehicle they drive, etc.


At levels above or equal to 50%, you can feel whether or not someone has been around an object within a week.
At levels above or equal to 60%, you can feel whether someone has been there within a day and roughly how old the object is.
At levels above or equal to 70%, you know exactly how old the object is and roughly what material it is made of.
At levels above or equal to 80%, you know exactly what materials it is made of.
At levels above or equal to 90%, you know the entire history of the object when it was touched and what the particular people who touched it were thinking at the time.